Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2005 , Vol 48 , Num 1
Erdoğan Yüzkollar1, Tamer Özekinci2, Seval Özdemir3, Elfi Divanlı4, Fatih Ünal1 Yusuf Özmen5, Mehmet İzzet Avşar2
SSK Bursa Çocuk Hastanesi 1Pediatri Uzmanı, 2Çocuk Cerrahisi Uzmanı, 3Mikrobiyoloji Uzmanı, 4Radyodiagnostik Uzmanı, 5Dermatoloji Uzmanı Yüzkollar E, Özekinci T, Özdemir S, Divanlı E, Ünal F, Özmen Y, Avşar Mİ. (Department of Pediatrics, Social Security Hospital, Bursa, Turkey). Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2005; 48: 46-48.

Actinomycosis is chronic, progressive but non-infectious disease characterized by abscess, fistulization and sulfur granules. The major clinical forms of actinomycosis are: cervicofacial, thoracal, abdominal, pelvic and systemic forms. The thoracal form accounts for 15% of all cases and most are localized within lungs. Extrapulmonary cases are extremely rare. Only 7% of all cases of actinomycosis have been diagnosed under the age of ten. In this article, a nineyear- old boy, complaining of pain and mass on the outer face of the chest wall, is discussed together with its rare localization and clinical presentation. Anahtar Kelimeler : Torasik aktinomikoz, göğüs duvarında kitle, thoracal actinomycosis, mass on chest wall.

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