Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2009 , Vol 52 , Num 4
The breast-feeding status of 0-36–month-old children in Kayseri, Melikgazi education and research area
İskender Gün1, Müge Yılmaz2, Habibe Şahin3, Neriman İnanç4, Mualla Aykut5 Osman Günay5, Ahmet Öztürk6, Rıza Çıtıl7, Betül Çiçek3, Dilek Ongan8, Şeyma Tuna9
Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Halk Sağlığı 1Yardımı Doçenti, 5Profesörü, 6Doçenti, 7Uzman Doktoru, Erciyes Üniversitesi Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü 2Öğretim Görevlisi, 3Yardımcı Doçenti, 4Profesörü, 8Okutmanı, 9Araştırma Görevlisi Gün İ, Yılmaz M, Şahin H, İnanç N, Aykut M, Günay O, Öztürk A, Çıtıl R, Çiçek B, Ongan D, Tuna S. (Department of Public Health, Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine, Kayseri, Turkey). The breast-feeding status of 0-36–month-old children in Kayseri, Melikgazi education and research area. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2009; 52: 176-182.

Our aim was to determine the breast-feeding status of 0-36–month-old children in Kayseri. The selected 3,120 households in the Baseline Study in 2006 were contacted again and 3,038 were included. Data were obtained by a questionnaire. Chi-square and Student’s t-tests were performed. Mean age of the children was 16.03±10.4 months. 94.7% of mothers were housewives, 62.8% were primary school graduates and 54.1% were less educated. Of children, 1.6% were never breast-fed, 98.4% were sometimes breast-fed, and 80.5% were breast-fed within the first hour of delivery. After exclusion of “still breast-fed” and “never breastfed” children, rate of children only breast-fed for six months was 35.7%. 64% of the children younger than six months were still breast-fed only and 36.1% were bottle-fed. Mean breast-feeding duration was 11.0±4.4 months. The rates of sometimes breast-fed children and breast-fed only children younger than six months were higher and the mean breast-feeding duration was 3.9 months shorter than the Turkish Population and Health Research data.:/ Anahtar Kelimeler : anne sütü ile beslenme, 0-36 aylık çocuk.

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