Attachment is defined as the emotional tie that a baby forms between itself and those who care for it, in order to keep an adult closer, thereby obtaining safety and security. Infantile colic has been defined as paroxysmal uncontrollable crying in an otherwise healthy infant less than three months of age, with more than three hours of crying per day on more than three days a week and for more than three weeks. We aimed to investigate whether there is a relationship between maternal attachment and infantile colic. The study was carried out at the Baskent University Department of Pediatrics. To evaluate maternal bonding, the Maternal Attachment Inventory was administered to 58 mothers of babies with infantile colic and 60 mothers of babies without infantile colic. The infantile colic rate was higher in female infants and in infants of mothers with a history of problematic pregnancy. In this study, no significant relationship was found between infantile colic and maternal bonding.
Keywords: <i>bağlanma, infantil kolik.</i>