
Medical education is a long and exhaustive process that demands a great deal of work and effort. The concentrated and substantive nature of the information imparted to students during their education may cause confusion, and thus the material they are supposed to have learned may be in large part forgotten. This problem can only be resolved through the use of entertaining and attractive methods of teaching, which may encourage continuous learning over a lifetime. In this study, varied and motivating learning methods, which will result in retention of information and make a correlation between the information learned during formal study and its application in daily life, are reviewed.

Keywords: akılda kalıcılık, eğitim, öğrenme, öğrenme yöntemleri.

How to Cite

Seren LP. How is retention of information provided in medical education?. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2015; 58: 123-30. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/119