
Child abuse and neglect is described as intentional or unintentional acts performed by an adult, adversely affecting the child’s health and psychosocial and physical development. Our aim was to consider the responsibility, recognition and prevention of child abuse by reporting a case with an abusive head trauma requiring multiple surgical interventions. The characterization of any child abuse with its definitive detailed history and physical examination findings will be helpful for preventing future child abuse cases and for obtaining supportive service to families.

Keywords: <i>istismara bağlı kafa travması, subdural kanama, retinal kanama.</i>

How to Cite

Şimşek NAÇO, Gökalp S. Abusive head trauma: a case report. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2015; 58: 161-5. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/124