
The primary function of the respiratory system is providing adequate oxygen for tissues. Clinical findings to indicate the need for oxygen treatment are generally unreliable. Thus, in pediatric emergency, oxygen treatment must be started until it is proven unnecessary, after which oxygen treatment indications may be assessed again based on artery blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry findings. The management of hypoxemia in critically ill patients is challenging. Since the dangers of tissue hypoxia and the possibility of harm from excess oxygen administration are well recognized, the approach to hypoxemia is very important. The introduction of pulse oximetry in clinical practice has allowed for simple, noninvasive and reasonably accurate estimation of arterial oxygen saturation. Pulse oximeters have become available for widespread application in pediatric care, and oxygen saturation has even been proposed as the fifth vital sign. However, the clinically relevant principles and the inherent limitations of pulse oximetry are not always well understood by health care professionals.

Keywords: hipoksemi, oksijen tedavisi, nabız oksimetre.

How to Cite

Emiralioğlu N, Özçelik U. Hypoxemia and oxygen treatment. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2014; 57: 50-6. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/134