
Hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of the eyelids in infancy. They may arise as small isolated lesions or large lesions affecting visual function. In most cases, treatment is not needed. However, if the lesion leads to functional impairment or ulcerates, treatment is necessary. Herein, we present the case of a preterm infant with rapidly growing cutaneous hemangioma of the eyelid with a potential risk of amblyopia, which was successfully treated with propranolol.

Keywords: ambliyopi, kutanöz hemanjiom, prematüre bebek, propranolol.

How to Cite

Işık YKDU, Yücel H, Emir S, Aydemir Ö, Baş AY, Demirel N. Propranolol treatment in a preterm infant with cutaneous hemangioma causing visual impairment. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2013; 56: 128-30. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/184