Intrauterine torsion of testes (IUTT) is a very rare condition. It can cause anorchia in bilateral cases. IUTT is almost exclusively extravaginal. It may result from the interplay between a hyperactive cremaster reflex and the failure of adequate in-utero fixation of the tunica vaginalis to the scrotal wall. Controversy in treatment continues regarding the urgency for surgical exploration as well as the need for contralateral testis fixation. Here, we present a two-day-old infant who was admitted to the neonatology department with a solid, firm and immobile mass in the right scrotum. The infant was diagnosed as IUTT after surgery. The necessity of contralateral testis fixation was discussed and performed after one month of follow-up.
Keywords: intrauterin testis torsiyonu, testis fiksasyonu, yenidoğan.