
The objective of this study was to review advanced stage (stage 3 or above) retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) cases reported from Turkey since 2000, together with cases followed in our unit, and try to obtain an idea regarding the frequency of advanced ROP. Turkish and English literature was searched for ROP reports from Turkey, and of 21 articles identified, 15 provided precise information regarding advanced cases. Cases referred for ROP surgery to our unit and cases requiring ROP surgery while being followed in our unit were also included. Combined with the cases in our unit, the frequency of advanced stage ROP was calculated as 9.3% in the population at risk. Fifty-three cases were referred to our unit for ROP surgery over the last five-year period, 13 of whom had retinal detachment. Considering the number of very low birth weight infants born annually in Turkey and the rate of survival each year according to the Turkish Neonatal Society Bulletin, there will be over 1500 cases of advanced ROP in Turkey. This finding makes it essential for neonatologists to pay more attention to the prevention and management of ROP.

Keywords: prematüre retinopatisi, gelişmekte olan ülkeler

How to Cite

Önal DBE, Türkyılmaz C. Retinopathy of prematurity in Turkey. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2010; 53: 4-9. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/273