Akyıldız B, Kondolot M, Akçakuş M, Poyrazoğlu H, Tunç A, Hafızoğlu D, Ekici A. (Department of Pediatrics, Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine, Kayseri, Turkey). The evaluation of central venous catheterization in a pediatric intensive care unit: two years’ experience. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2009; 52: 63-67. We aimed in this study to evaluate the indications, complications and success of central venous catheterization, which is increasingly being used in pediatric intensive care units due to its advantages. 1,432 patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit were evaluated. Central venous catheterization was performed in 292. Intravenous sedation and analgesia were provided for every patient before the catheter insertion. Subclavian, femoral, internal and external jugular veins were preferred as the sites of catheter insertion. The catheter insertion rate was 19.2%. In 276 patients (94.5%), intravenous catheterization was successful. Subclavian catheter in 220, internal jugular catheter in nine and femoral catheter in 47 patients were performed. The mean day of catheterization was 14.2±3.8 days. The most prevalent complications were arterial puncture, venous thrombosis and pneumothorax, respectively. Key words: central venous catheterization, children, intensive care.
Keywords: santral venöz kateterizasyon, çocuk, yoğun bakım.