
Our aim was to determine the breast-feeding status of 0-36–month-old children in Kayseri. The selected 3,120 households in the Baseline Study in 2006 were contacted again and 3,038 were included. Data were obtained by a questionnaire. Chi-square and Student’s t-tests were performed. Mean age of the children was 16.03±10.4 months. 94.7% of mothers were housewives, 62.8% were primary school graduates and 54.1% were less educated. Of children, 1.6% were never breast-fed, 98.4% were sometimes breast-fed, and 80.5% were breast-fed within the first hour of delivery. After exclusion of “still breast-fed” and “never breastfed” children, rate of children only breast-fed for six months was 35.7%. 64% of the children younger than six months were still breast-fed only and 36.1% were bottle-fed. Mean breast-feeding duration was 11.0±4.4 months. The rates of sometimes breast-fed children and breast-fed only children younger than six months were higher and the mean breast-feeding duration was 3.9 months shorter than the Turkish Population and Health Research data.:/

Keywords: anne sütü ile beslenme, 0-36 aylık çocuk.

How to Cite

Gün İ, Ongan D, Çiçek B, Çıtıl R, Öztürk A, Günay MAO, et al. The breast-feeding status of 0-36–month-old children in Kayseri, Melikgazi education and research area. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2009; 52: 176. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/345