In recent years, there has been an increased awareness about tick and tick bite due to the increased number of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever cases and deaths. To remove a tick, use fine-tipped tweezers, and grab the tick as close to its mouth (the part that is stuck in the skin) as possible. The tick must not be grabbed around its bloated belly in order to prevent pushing infected fluid from the tick (if it is squeezed) into the victim. The tick must be gently pulled straight out until its mouth lets go of the skin. It must not be twisted or “unscrewed”. This may separate the tick's head from its body and leave parts of its mouth in the skin. The tick may be kept in a jar filled with rubbing alcohol for later identification if necessary. After the tick has been removed, the area of the tick bite must be thoroughly washed with plenty of warm water and soap. Gloves should be worn during tick removal.
Keywords: Kırım Kongo kanamalı hastalığı, kene ısırığı, kene çıkartılması, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, tick bite, tick removal.