
Children with the diagnosis of poisoning (age range: 6 months-15 years old), reporting to the Emergency Unit of Sakarya Yenikent Hospital, between 1 May 2004 and 30 April 2005, were evaluated retrospectively. Among 111 cases, 63 (56.7%) were boys, 48 (43.3%) were girls and mean age was 4.0±3.3 (0.5-15) years. The highest proportion of poisoning was in the 0-5 years of age group (73.8%). The major etiological causes of intoxication were drugs (57.6%), cleaning products (30.7%) (corrosive agent, hydrocarbons, paint materials, etc.), carbon monoxide (5.0%), pesticide (4.5%) and others (13.7%). Drugs most frequently causing intoxications were as follows: central nervous system drugs (antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics) 18.0%, analgesics 7.2%, vitamins 7.2%, antihypertensives 5.4% and others 21.6%. Although there have been important improvements in intoxication management, the most effective method is prevention of poisoning.

Keywords: zehirlenme, çocukluk çağı, etiyoloji, Sakarya, poisoning, childhood, etiology

How to Cite

Soyucen E, Aktan Y, Saral A, Akgün N, Numanoğlu AÜ. Retrospective analysis of childhood poisoning in Sakarya region. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2006; 49: 301-6. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/488