Children with the diagnosis of poisoning (age range: 6 months-15 years old), reporting to the Emergency Unit of Sakarya Yenikent Hospital, between 1 May 2004 and 30 April 2005, were evaluated retrospectively. Among 111 cases, 63 (56.7%) were boys, 48 (43.3%) were girls and mean age was 4.0±3.3 (0.5-15) years. The highest proportion of poisoning was in the 0-5 years of age group (73.8%). The major etiological causes of intoxication were drugs (57.6%), cleaning products (30.7%) (corrosive agent, hydrocarbons, paint materials, etc.), carbon monoxide (5.0%), pesticide (4.5%) and others (13.7%). Drugs most frequently causing intoxications were as follows: central nervous system drugs (antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics) 18.0%, analgesics 7.2%, vitamins 7.2%, antihypertensives 5.4% and others 21.6%. Although there have been important improvements in intoxication management, the most effective method is prevention of poisoning.
Keywords: zehirlenme, çocukluk çağı, etiyoloji, Sakarya, poisoning, childhood, etiology