
Chylous ascites is a rare condition due to the extravasations of chylous fluid through the peritoneal space. Congenital form of chylous ascites is extremely rare. Delay in diagnosis and treatment of congenital ascites creates medical problems. The main approach of treatment is conservative. Drainage of peritoneal chylous fluid, replacement of volume and protein loss, cessation of enteral feeding and parenteral nutrition, rich in middle chain fatty acids and somatostatin are recommended. If these conservative treatment alternatives are ineffective, then surgery can be considered. Fibrin adhesives can be used in surgery to decrease lymphatic leakage. Due to the rarity and difficulty in management of congenital chylous ascites, here we present a case who did not respond to conservative treatment for two months and benefited from catheterization of the lymphatic leakage areas and adhesive fibrin therapy during explorative laparotomy.

Keywords: congenital, chylous ascite, treatment, fibrin glue

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Akçalı M, Yıldızdaş HY, Özden Ö, İskit HS, Bahar N, Özlü F, et al. Congenital chylous ascites: a report of a case treated with fibrin glue. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2018; 61: 73-7. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/50