Cerebral hemiatrophy or Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome, is a condition characterized by seizures, facial asymmetry, contralateral hemiplegia or hemiparesis and mental retardation. The clinical findings may be of variable degree according to the extent of brain injury. Cerebral hemiatrophy is frequently associated with hemiplegia, convulsions, mental deficit and subsequent epilepsy. In this article, a case of a seven-month-old girl with this central nervous system malformation characterized by cerebral hemiatrophy and presence of seizures, is presented.
Keywords: Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (D-D-M-S), serebral hemiatrofi, eksternal hidrosefali, Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (D-D-M-S), cerebral hemiatrophy, external hydrocephalus