
The incidence rate of type I diabetes in children under five years has been gradually increasing over the past decade. The aim of this study was to evaluate etiopathogenic factors in type I diabetes in pre-school age diabetics and its relation to clinical and laboratory findings. A total of 26 children with type I diabetes diagnosed in pre-school age (age range, 7-58 months) were enrolled in the study. Maternal age, time of the birth, vitamin D supplementation, duration of breast feeding, and feeding with cow’s milk were evaluated as etiopathogenic factors. Unexpected complaints in diabetics, i.e. loss of appetite and weight loss, were seen in half of the patients. We emphasize the need for large sample cohort studies to further elucidate the etiopathogenetic factors of diabetes mellitus at a very young age.

Keywords: Tip 1 diyabet, etiyopatogenez, okul öncesi çocuklar, type I diabetes, etiopathogenesis, pre-school age

How to Cite

Güven A, Aydın M. Factors involved in the etiopathogenesis of children diagnosed as type I diabetes before five years of age. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2005; 48: 295-300. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/544