The most common cause of persistent hypoglycemia is hyperinsulinism and it generally depends on congenital factors in childhood. Nesidioblastosis, which is related to the ß-islet cell of the pancreas, is a disease of persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in infancy and shows genetic penetrance. A five year-old male patient was examined for convulsion attacks. We learned that he had persistent hypoglycemic attacks that were resistant to drug therapy; consequently, partial pancreatectomy was performed. Pathologic examination result was reported as nesidioblastosis. In cranial magnetic resonance imaging, lesion in the white matter of the occipital lobe was detected. After hypoglycemic attacks, the occipital and parietal lobes were especially damaged. This pathology may be caused by inappropriate energy storage, or by excitatory amino acids like aspartic acid. We thought that our patient’s cranial lesion was permanent because we could not detect any hypoglycemic attack during follow up. Hence, lesions in occipital lobe as a sequela should be considered in the diagnosis of hypoglycemic attacks as a cause.
Keywords: hipoglisemi, manyetik rezonans görüntüleme, konvülsiyon, beyin lezyonu., hypoglycemia, magnetic resonance imaging, convulsion, brain lesion.