
Psychosocial interventions are very important issues besides physical treatment of children who are hospitalized. Covering the psychosocial needs of the sick children in the hospital without being isolated from the outside world is one of the priority issues in the hospitals that have well-developed child services in the world. In recent years, awareness of this issue has also increased in our country and various structures have been started to be formed in hospitals. The `Hospital Clown Program` is one of the elements of these structures and is an important project developed for the psychological support of children in the hospital environment. Clinically specially trained clowns serve to reduce the anxiety of children in the hospital against medical interventions, doctors and hospital. Through this project we aimed to evaluate the psychological effects of hospital clowns on sick children, their families, and health care workers. A total of 21 children aged 5 to 18 years, 42 families with children 5 years and over 47 health workers were included in the study. The results show that the children participating in the project, as well as the families and the staff and that the hospital clowns contribute to the hospital`s positive perceptions of the children, and that the families and health professionals think the project is beneficial for children and positive for their treatment. The results have been discussed in terms of psychosocial needs of hospitalized children, and also supported by various recommendations.

Keywords: hospital clowns, hospital anxiety

How to Cite

Perktaş E, Özmert E. An evaluation on the reduction of child anxiety of hospital: The hospital clown project. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2017; 60: 83-7. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/63