
Neonatal abstinence syndrome and substance use-related complications developing during the lactation period are encountered more frequently among adolescents in our country where adolescent pregnancies are frequent. A 3-month-old girl was admitted to our hospital due to restlessness. The 17-year-old mother’s affect was careless towards her baby. In the past medical history, she locked herself in the bathroom due to frequent nausea and vomiting. The father of the baby was reported to use heroin. She was exposed to violence from her father, had abandoned her education and had become pregnant from an extra-marital relationship. Breastmilk had immediately stopped and the baby was followed-up for 72 hours due to abstinence syndrome. The mother and the baby were now under follow-up by social services. In this paper, we aimed to draw the reader’s attention to child abuse, adolescent pregnancies and substance dependence, and to report how we managed their overlapping problems.

Keywords: adolescent pregnancy, breastfeeding, substance abuse

How to Cite

Oğuz MM, Acar M, Polat E, Akçaboy M, Tuygun N, Açoğlu EA, et al. A substance-dependent adolescent mother and her baby. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2016; 59: 68-71. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/84