
Sâlih bin Nasrullah, a “chief physician” of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century also known by the name Ibn Sellum, was one of the exceptional physicians. He included a pediatric section in one of his works Gâyat al- Itkan fi Tadbir-i Badan al-Insan (The Extreme Degree of Certainty in the Care of the Human Body), which was one of the foremost writings, written in Arabic. The aforementioned work was translated into Turkish by Mustafa Abu al-Fayz under the name Nuzhat al-Abdan fi Tarcamat-i Gayat al-Itkan (The Beauty of the Bodies in the Translation of Gayat al-Itkan) in the 18th century. This study was conducted based on one of the copies of Nuzhat al-Abdan fi Tarcamat-i Gayat al-Itkan printed in Istanbul in 1887. The content of the section related to pediatrics was transliterated and analyzed. The whole section is presented to the readers. The aforementioned section in Nuzhat al-Abdan fi Tarcamat-i Gayat al-Itkan consists of two main headings, “tadbir al-atfal” (pediatric care) and “amraz al-atfal” (pediatric diseases). Pediatric diseases were given in an order from the head to the foot and the treatments were substantially nonsurgical treatments. As a part of the non-surgical treatments, herbal and chemical remedies and also the bearing of some objects that were believed to be beneficial were described.

Keywords: tıp tarihi, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları, Salih bin Nasrullah, Mustafa Ebu’l-feyz, Nüzhetü’l-Ebdan.

How to Cite

Acıduman A, İlgili Ö. An exceptional Turkish work including a pediatric section on Ottoman medicine in the 18th century: Nuzhat al-Abdan fi Tarcamat-i Gayat al-Itkan (The Beauty of the Bodies in the Translation of Gayat al-Itkan). Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2012; 55: 110-26. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/215