
This prospective study was designed for assessing the effectiveness of short duration (3-4 hours) video-electroencephalography monitoring in the classification of localization-associated epilepsia and achieving differential diagnosis between seizure/pseudoseizure. For this purpose, short duration daily (3-4 hours) video-electroencephalography monitoring was applied to 75 children between October 2005 and October 2008. In the first group, 43 children who attended the pediatric neurology service with seizure-like complaints although with no differential diagnosis of seizure, pseudoseizure or paroxysmal disorder mimicking seizure and normal interictal electroencephalographies were evaluated. Their median age was 9.6±3.8 years (minimum 3, maximum 17). The second group included children who attended the hospital with partial seizure complaints and had a diagnosis of seizure type and localization with history and clinical examination and who had normal interictal electroencep halographies. Their median age was 9.62±3.8 years (minimum 3, maximum 16). In the first group, 11 children (25,6%) were diagnosed as epilepsia as a result of video-electroencephalography monitoring, while results in the other children were normal. In the second group, the compatibility of each patient’s clinical findings before video-electroencephalography monitoring and diagnosis after video-electroencephalography monitoring was evaluated statistically. When all of the participants were considered in this study, we found intermediate compatibility between clinical diagnosis and videoelectroencephalography monitoring (kappa=0.642). However, when six patients with occipital lobe seizure were excluded from this statistical study because of incompatibility between clinical diagnosis and electroencephalography findings, the compatibility was more advanced (kappa=0.775). Short duration daily video-electroencephalography monitoring was more sensitive for finding epileptic discharges, diagnosis of epilepsia and classification of seizure and epileptic syndromes than routine interictal electroencephalography.

Keywords: öbet, psödonöbet, epilepsi, lokalizasyon, video-elektroensefalografi monitörizasyon.

How to Cite

Hergüner MÖ, Altunbaşak Ş. Nöbet tanısı koyma ve nöbet-epilepsi sınıflamasında kısa süreli video- EEG monitörizasyonun yeri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2011; 54: 16-21. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/232