
Childhood intoxications may occur due to either drugs or non-drug agents. Of the non-drug agents, vegetables play a major role. Dieffenbachia, which is known also as “crying flower’’ is a preferred flower in the housekeeping as it grows rapidly and enjoys shadow. In this paper a child who was admitted with urticeria after smelling and scrubbing Dieffenbachia with hands is presented, and this unknown speciality of the flower encountered very frequently in the housekeeping is emphasized.

Keywords: intoxication, herbs, Dieffenbacia

How to Cite

Akpınar M, Müslehiddinoğlu M, Özcan M, Sarıcı SÜ. An herbal danger: Dieffenbachia. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2016; 59: 21-3. Available from: https://cshd.org.tr/article/view/75