Volume 54 Issue 4 (2011)

Published: October 15, 2011

Original Articles

Incidence of allergic reactions due to L-asparaginase during therapy of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and approach to allergic reactions
Psychological correlates of children and adolescents with familial Mediterranean fever
The incidence and prognostic factors in meconium aspiration syndrome: one-center experience

Case Reports

The use of long-term intravenous atropine in organophosphate poisoning: experience of two patients
Scimitar syndrome: four cases with different clinical presentations
Intrauterine torsion of testes: a case report

Review Article

Abusive head trauma: the place in scientific papers

Letters to the Editor

HIV pozitif anne bebeğinin beslenmesi
Kolekalsiferol uygulaması
Vitamin B12 eksikliği
Kolekalsiferolün hematolojik etkileri

History of Pediatrics

A preliminary study of sections related to pediatrics in Hacı Paşa’s (Celalüddin Hızır) Teshîl of early Turkish medical works
