Volume 55 Issue 1 (2012)

Published: January 15, 2012

Original Articles

The seasonal variations of respiratory syncytial virus infections in Turkey: a two-year epidemiological study
Distribution of class I and class II human leukocyte antigens in children with acute rheumatic fever
Traditional practice related to pregnancy, the natal and postnatal period and baby care (Karaman sample)

Case Reports

A rare presentation of neonatal adrenal hemorrhage: acute scrotum
Role of the judicial decision-makers in the follow-up of patients in the neonatal intensive care unit: a case report

Review Articles

Feeding disorders in the follow-up of premature infants
Microdeletion syndromes
Kronik ne demektir?

History of Pediatrics

A glance at the establishment period activities of the Child Protection Institution in terms of medical history in the context of a book: “Methods for Childhood Nutrition (1927)”
