Volume 46 Issue 2 (2003)

Published: April 15, 2003

Original Articles

Procalcitonin: levels in newborns and as an indicator in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis
Procalcitonin levels in the diagnosis of early neonatal sepsis
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: clinical and epidemiological study
Retrospective analysis of childhood poisoning in Eskişehir region
Knowledge, attitude and behavior of parents regarding circumcision in Gaziantep

Case Reports

A case of acute rheumatic fever presenting with acute abdomen
Report of two cases, presented with acute paraparesis, diagnosed as acute myeloid leukaemia
A rare form of vaginal foreign body: a case report

Review Articles

Meningitis II: clinical findings
The problem of informed consent in children

History of Pediatrics

Lokman Hekim and pediatrics in his anecdotes