Volume 53 Issue 1 (2010)

Published: January 15, 2010


Does prophylactic administration of analgesics affect febrile reaction incidence and vaccine responses?

Original Articles

Retinopathy of prematurity in Turkey
Meningomyelocele and Arnold-Chiari malformations: evaluation of 45 cases
Varicella complication in unvaccinated children

Case Reports

Clinical spectrum of somatic activation mutation of Gs alpha-subunit:report of two cases and review of the literature.
Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes:report of three cases
Factor X deficiency presented with severe bleeding symptoms and misdiagnosed as vitamin K deficiency in the early infancy period: report of three cases.

Review Articles

H1N1 virus infection
New respiratory viruses

Letter to the Editor

Hiperbilirubinemi transplasental geçen anti-C antikorlarına mı bağlı?

History of Pediatrics

A historical sample on the visual dimension of anatomy: The map of the Human Body 1327 (1911/12)


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